Becoming a conscious breather has changed things drastically in my life!
I am a professional hockey player in Frölunda in SHL, Sweden. This is my 11th season as a professional and before I came to Sweden I played several years in the Russian KHL league. In the winter olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018 in South Korea, I represented Canada and we won a bronze medal. It is now almost five months since I met Anders Olsson and was introduced to his Conscious Breathing concept and started reading his book The Power of Your Breath. Since then I’ve taped my mouth every night and I’ve also used the Relaxator now and then. I’ve become very aware of my breathing and nowadays I breathe through my nose more and more often during the day.
Becoming a conscious breather has changed things drastically in my life. I find myself less stressed throughout the day. It allows me to recover from the strains of my professional hockey career and also from the strains of every day life. The mouth tape has helped me get a more quality sleep on a consistent basis. I have struggled my whole life with sinus infections and they are now long gone. It took me a week or so to get used to the tape because I was a mouth breather at night. I now use my nose the way I should and I couldn’t feel any better.